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Advanced Planning and Scheduling Seminar

The Waterloo Manufacturing Software advanced planning and scheduling seminar provides manufacturing executives the opportunity to quickly assess the potential of advanced planning and scheduling for their management teams. Waterloo Manufacturing Software principals lead the seminar. It is a half day in duration.

Seminar scope

The seminar addresses the issues faced by management teams as competitive pressures and manufacturing complexity combine to force many management teams to struggle to cope with conflicting demands to simultaneously win new business and keep existing business. It provides an overview of the concepts employed by advanced planning and scheduling technology. These concepts often allow management teams to better balance what's good for business with what's good for customers as ever-increasing and evermore complex problems and changes occur.

More information

If you have questions about seminar schedules, content, logistics, or other issues please contact the support staff for assistance.

Waterloo Manufacturing Software
P.O. Box 81264
Wellesley, MA 02481

Phone: 781-237-2678 option 2
Fax: 781-237-9999